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Step 1 : Character Traits


Make a list of 10 Character Traits that you’d like to have in a partner.  These are non-negotiable (i.e. integrity, hard working, hustler, honesty, leader, goal-driven, etc):


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Step 2 : Your Executive Team


Imagine for a moment that you’re starting a multi million dollar company, which you have the potential to do here with Isagenix. Who would be the 15 to 20 people that you would want to have around your board room table, building the company with you?


Who have you always wanted to work with? Who’s great in business? Who's entrepreneurial? Who would love to work from home? Who do you know that’s into health, fitness & beauty? Who is money motivated? Who is influential? Who wants to make an impact and has some of the values and traits that you wrote down?


Make a list of other Beauty Professionals that would qualify, in your mind, for your Executive team, giving them the first look before branching out further.



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Proceed to the Beauty Pro to Beauty Pro Business Invitation



Step 3 : Expand Your List


Once you've reached out to your top choices of Beauty Pro partners, expand your list to include all of the pros you've networked with, know from school, workshops, award shows, social media groups, etc. and invite them to take a look next!






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